Whale Watching In Yamba
Here in Yamba we are treated to one of mother nature’s finest spectacles. Each year from late May through October we are lucky enough to witness the whale migration as they travel North. Whales travel vast distances from their Antarctic feeding grounds to tropical mating grounds. Luckily we are in the perfect spot to take it all in, so visit us for some whale watching in Yamba!
Already we have had a number of sightings from Main beach, Pippi Beach, and Angourie point. The most common culprits are Humpback and Southern Right Whales, as well as our local Dolphins. Having said that there have been reported sightings of False Killer Whales and Minke Whales too!
Best viewing times are early morning or late afternoon to avoid glare, which leaves plenty of time to check out the town or catch some waves. If you decide you would like to take a closer look there is a local whale watching tour operator as well.
Whale watching charters in Yamba.

If you’re thinking of catching the show we have plenty of rooms available at great rates. We are just moments from Yamba Main beach, and less than five minutes to either Turners Beach or Pippi Beach so there are plenty of vantage points close by. Check the link below for more details on our accommodation.